Assigned to create a poster for a poetry event about the poetic works of Monica Youn, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Javier Zamora. These poets use their work to spread equality and awareness of the harsh reality of racism in our society.

Sent outside the classroom to take photos of alternative grids. This was a good exercise to learn about alternative grids and what they can be used for.

Explored unconventional ways to display letterforms. Used techniques like cutting, scraping, folding, and tearing. Used a scanner to create shapes that I couldn't make by hand.

Explored color and hierarchy to reach a design that matched the personality and message that the poet was conveying. Wanted to show that the path to equality is crooked, and not an easy journey.

Changed the background image to display the word "equality" in a different perspective and with new typefaces. Aligned the secondary text to an alternative grid.

Poster ONE: Iteration
Elements were changed in order to create a more dynamic hierarchy.Experimented more with placement and alignment. Altered the angle of "equality" and changed the positioning of all the lines and text for cohesion. Changed the color as well to further suit the authors' writing.
